Monday, January 13, 2020

Difficult Beginnings

Parked at Palm Springs RV Resort (Thousand Trails)
The new year began with sad news for Mark. His family called him last week to let him know his older brother, Don, had passed away. Don was 84 and in poor health. Mark flew home last Friday to be with his family and attend the funeral.

He'll be gone most of this week, returning just in time for us to head to the RV Rally in Quartzsite. In the meantime, I'm holding down the fort in Palm Springs.

The first day we were here, we were surprised to see a roadrunner perched in the tree branches right next to our coach. Since then, I've seen it casually walking around in our vicinity, almost as though it lives here. Then today I noticed that the street we're parked on is "Roadrunner Street." Hmmm...I wonder if there's a connection.

Look carefully, and you can see the roadrunner (beak right / tail left)
The weather here is mild during the day, but chilly at night--in the forties. We love the park, it's right off I-10 and close to shopping. The spaces are a little close, but they're divided nicely with flower bushes and palm trees. The pool is heated comfortably and the hot tub is the hottest I've ever sat in--maybe it's too hot, if that's possible.

Mark enjoying the beautiful weather before flying to the
frozen north.
Before he left, Mark put the word out to fellow Alfa owners who are also camped here at the Palm Springs Resort to let them know he would be gone for a while. Barely had he sent the message than we had three people at our door to get acquainted and offer their assistance should I need anything. It's been comforting for Mark as well as me to know that I can call on someone should any need arise.

This was especially comforting in light of the recent "episode" I had with my heart that caused some concern to both of us. I woke up out of a deep sleep with a pounding, racing heart that lasted a good hour. The following day my heart rate was unusually high all day, especially when I stood up and walked around. So I spent the day mostly resting. By the second day it had begun to settle down. Since then I continue to have a fast pulse off and on, but for the most part my heart rate has returned to its normal of somewhere in the 50-beats-per-minute range. For those of you who are right now panicking about how I should see my doctor--Mark and I have already had that conversation, and agreed that we will head to the ER if such a thing should happen again.

As many of you already know, I have transitioned (again) to a very low-carb diet (keto) as of January 1. We wondered if this heart rate episode may have been triggered by a sudden withdrawal from sugars and starches (which we all know are addictive). If true, then it should pass completely within a week or two. If the fast heart rate still continues to be a problem, then we'll have to re-evaluate and consider other causes. Time will tell. We're keeping a close eye on it.

My shoulder is healing up well. Range of motion has improved considerably and I am finally able to drive again. The ortho doctor gave me to the end of January to baby it. After that, I'll probably need to get some physical therapy advice for some exercises I can do to help regain full strength.

Friday we head to Quartzsite. This is the annual RV rally we missed the first year when we had our little "accident at the gate." We missed it the second year because we were racing to Florida for our long-planned Caribbean cruise. This year it looks like we'll make it! Yay! (Still taking one day at a time, never know what a day will bring.)

That's the update for now. As always, safe travels to all, & God Bless!

See ya!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Goodbye 2019 - Hello 2020!

A beautiful pink sunset at Wilderness Lakes Campground
in Menifee, CA
December came and went so fast I barely had a chance to notice it. It seems one thing or another kept me distracted.

Because of all our moving around, we got a late start on our Christmas decorating, only to discover we had trashed our fake tree at the end of last season, intending to purchase a smaller one this year-- an intention I totally forgot about. By that point, we didn't really have the time or inclination to run out and buy a new one. So we didn't have a tree. And without a Christmas tree in the house...well, it just didn't feel much like Christmas.

 Then to add to the distractions, just after my last post, I fell off a stool in front of my refrigerator and hurt myself. My Facebook friends have already heard the story, so this is for the rest of you...

I was standing on the top step of my stool in front of my refrigerator - both doors open - taking an inventory. I grabbed a couple things to take out and dispose of, filling up both hands, and then I stepped down. Only I didn't step straight down onto the lower step. With my head still more or less inside my fridge, I stepped off to the side, expecting to find the floor in about eight inches. It wasn't there of course. My foot hit the floor hard, my knee jammed, and the pain and disorientation sent me over onto my left side against the hard floor. As soon as the pain in my knee subsided, I got up and realized I'd hurt my left shoulder.

While all this was happening, Mark was lounging away in the RV Park's hot tub, so all I could do was wait for him. I tried to call him, and once he was out of the pool and noticed the call, he called me right back. "You called?" he asked. "I think I need to go to Urgent Care," I said.

My Christmas "digs"
A couple hours and a few x-rays later, I had my diagnosis:  partial fracture of the clavicle (collar bone) at the shoulder end. They sent me home in a sling and gave me a referral for an orthopedic doctor, who I saw the following day. He recommended a knee brace and a follow-up appointment in two weeks, which I completed on the 30th.

The good news is, my shoulder is healing up and my knee had no noticeable damage. Instructions are to pamper the shoulder, don't move it in the wrong direction or lift anything heavy for at least four more weeks.

Mark has been a wonderful nursemaid throughout the whole ordeal. Happily, I'm finally able to dress myself again. Yay. And I'm experiencing improved range of motion every day.

Christmas was a quiet affair with the kids-- Katie and her family on Christmas Day and Steve and Alicia the day after. We've greatly enjoyed our time here, as we always do. Sophie is so much fun to be around. She's a delightful child--very smart and full of imagination. I miss them already, and we've barely left.

Sophie loves her new construction equipment set. She helped
put it together with dad's help and a little plastic screwdriver.

We left Lancaster on New Year's Eve and spent the evening with Mark's friend, Tina, and her family. We actually parked our rig on the curb just down the street from her. We had a great time there. Her  in-laws are living with them now, and her son and daughter-in-law were visiting, so we got a chance to get acquainted with them as well. Tina and Dave served up a tasty dinner meal and we all had some fun with a game of Relative Insanity. (Mark won. Twice. Hmmm.)

Mark, with Tina and Dave Kelsey

Over the last few months I've been feeling like I need to do something about my healthiness-- or lack thereof. After watching a timely short video by Dr. Ken Berry (who is my new doctor hero) about sugar addiction, it was clear to me that I had all the signs and symptoms. It wasn't a surprise. Deep down I've known it for some time but didn't really want to confront it. It doesn't help that I love sweets. Then I watched some of his other videos, and by the time I had binge-watched for half a day or so, I'd made up my mind that it was high time I do something about it. And isn't the first of a new year a wonderful time to make serious changes in your life-- new beginnings and all?

As of January 1, Mark and I are embarking on a low-carb, high-fat "keto" diet in a valiant attempt to lose some weight and improve our health. Mark has committed for one month; I have committed for six months. Wish us well!

We hope that 2020 promises to be a good year for you and yours. Happy New Year and safe travels wherever you are!