Friday, July 28, 2017

Waiting Waiting Waiting

To paraphrase Dory, the bluefish's famous mantra..."swimming swimming swimming." It's day 12 in hotels. Trying very hard to put on Dory's happy accepting face. (Sorry, copyrights won't let me use her picture, so you get generic bluefish. Use your imagination.)

Still no definitive completion date on the motorhome repairs. My dad used to say, "Patience is a virtue." In this case, it's turning into a somewhat expensive virtue, since everyday that we can't live in our motorhome, we are forced to pay the price of a hotel "home." That said, I'm duly grateful that we're not checking out today. We're on the third floor and the elevator is out! Since yesterday. Hopefully it will be working by next week.

We made another trip to Whole Foods yesterday and brought home some canned soup, which we'll have to add butter to because for some reason nearly all organic canned soup is vegetarian and fat
free. Entrenched ideas take decades to reverse, it seems. I also found bone broth in single serving containers. Gold! Sadly, it's also fat free...but I have butter. Some full-fat yogurt (impossible to find in conventional stores), lunchmeat, and a few other items that can be consumed cold for breakfast and lunch rounded out our in-room food supply and we're good to go for another few days. Thank goodness the room has a fridge.

In other news...

Sweetie, who never eats anything exept Wellness "Complete Health" Salmon and Whitefish Recipe cat food, has suddenly decided she must share my oatmeal with me. Perhaps it's her way of showing solidarity in our plight.

Earlier this week, Mark and I took a walk in Purgatory Park and saw a bald eagle and a large owl of indiscernible variety perched on top of nearby buildings -- smackdab in the middle of Eden Prairie. "That bird up there is bigger than your dog," I commented to a passing lady who was walking her tiny little miniature dogette. She hadn't seen the eagle, which had that very moment flown away. Maybe she'll keep a closer eye on her surroundings from now on. But probably not.

Well, that's all our fascinating news for now.

Have a wonderful weekend! It promises to be absolutely perfect weather in the Twin Cities.

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