Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas!

It's hard to believe Christmas is here...again. Don't we say that every year?

Being dislodged for almost a week didn't help, as it interrupted our Christmas activity plan. But it gave us an opportunity to visit up close and personal with Steve and Alicia, who graciously opened their home to us in our time of need. While we were there, we ate too much chocolate, and watched back to back "Grand Tour" episodes. Mark suffered from a migraine headache in payment for his indulgences, and I got a lot of crocheting done.

We also took a day and went to Universal Studios Hollywood theme park, courtesy of Steve who provided us with a couple employee passes. It was great fun. Universal recently added a new section to the park - a sort of Harry Potter Land. I hate to admit it, but I'm a terrible Harry Potter junkie. Even though the story is about "witches" and magic and such, those who've seen it or read the books will probably agree that it has very little resemblance to modern witchcraft and is more a story about the conflict between good and evil told in another way. It's not very different than the fairy tales of old (though everyone should make their own judgment about it). In the end, good triumphs over evil, as it should. We ate lunch at the Three Broomsticks and enjoyed a glass of "Butter Beer." Yum! The food was delicious.

Friday we took our leave and headed back to Fontana to pick up our motorhome, and on Saturday morning we made our way to Acton, where we intended to be the week before. All our Christmas preparations started today - on Christmas Eve. I have to say, this is the latest ever that I have put up my Christmas tree. But it's up and decorated - finally. The pumpkin pie is baked, and we are ready to entertain company tomorrow.

Sophie (with mom & dad) modeling the
new "play vest" grandma knitted for her
Last weekend, right before the major repairs were to be done, we drove the coach to Lancaster and parked at the Antelope Valley Fairground RV Park for two nights. It gave us an opportunity to deliver Katie's things to her and get reacquainted with our little granddaughter, Sophie, who will be two in April. She's not talking yet, but she says "oh" with the greatest range of expression you can imagine. We'll see her again a few more times before we leave town. 

Another highlight of our time here has been the two visits to the church I attended when I lived here over twenty years ago. I was truly surprised that anyone remembered me, but there were still a few folks - the "remnant" from those long gone days. It was good to be in the House of the Lord during the Christmas season. 

And with that, I'll close and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. My wish for you all is that you know the true meaning of the Babe in the manger -- God, taking human form to live among us, to become like us so that we could know him, to pay the penalty for our sin so that we could live eternally with Him... God With Us, the greatest Gift ever given. 

God Bless us every one!

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