Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I Take It All Back

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something and when you didn't follow it, you regretted it big time? Well, something was nagging at me after Mark and I decided to go ahead with our damage repairs, with or without the insurance company's approval (see previous post). My mind took me back to some fairly recent experiences where we "jumped ahead of the Lord," you might say, and found ourselves in predicaments that could have been avoided had we practiced a little patience. Even though Samantha, our Alfateer's service rep, strongly doubted that National General would ever actually send out an Adjuster, there was that nagging uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my "gut" asking the question, "But what if they did?"

Sweetie chilling in her temporary domain.
So, Mark and I talked it over again and decided to sit tight and wait it out. After all, it's not like we're in a cold (figuratively speaking) boring hotel room somewhere. We're very comfortable in Steve and Al's guest room, enjoying their kind hospitality. Even Sweetie is more or less happy. We're getting extra family visiting, which, after all, is the primary purpose of the traveling-around-the-country-in-a-motorhome-to-visit-friends-and-family lifestyle we adopted. The only difference is that we didn't actually plan for this long of a stay. It happened TO us, more or less without our consent. Nevertheless, aside from a little inconvenience of being out of our home for a while, life is good.

And, guess what... on Monday morning we received an email from Samantha informing us that National General was sending out an Adjuster on Wednesday or Thursday to evaluate the damage on our coach.

Magic Mountain, off season.
Mark talking to his contact at Modis,
the staffing company he used to take
contract jobs through. What's going
on with that?
In the interim, Alicia presented us with complimentary passes to Magic Mountain, where she works, and we spent yesterday getting in some exercise and a few roller coaster thrills. It's off season at Magic, and some events were not active, but most of the roller coasters were still running, and the park was practically empty. This time of the year is a fabulous time to go. There was no waiting on any of the rides. We felt the thrill of going 100 miles an hour--backwards!-- on the "Superman" ride (which we boarded without knowing what we were getting into). It was about thirty seconds of sheer terror; and then it was over. The other extreme was the "Twisted Colossus," which was a crazy fast coaster with loops and drops - executed on a blue track, and then repeated on a parallel green track. It was like getting right back on and riding something a second time. Except you didn't have a choice. This one we decided to ride AFTER we had seen a YouTube video on what to expect (inserted at the bottom for your viewing pleasure). Trust me, watching a video is nothing like the real thing. Mark went on two rides without me. Mainly because I was carrying around a turkey leg, the uneaten remnant of my lunch. It was a better excuse than, "I'm too much of a coward to ride it, thank you." Although I might have accidentally given that impression somewhere along the way...but really, what was I supposed to do with my turkey leg while I was riding a roller coaster? Just sayin'.

The other thing we've been meaning to do -- needing to do -- and hadn't done yet was find a chiropractor to get our bodies adjusted. So Monday I made the call to one that Alicia recommended to us, Inspired Family Chiropractic. We got in right away that afternoon for an eval, and then went back again on Tuesday, after having shaken all our bones out of place on roller coasters (not really, but it seemed like it). Another visit today and we're beginning to feel well-adjusted again.

Sometime tomorrow we hope to find out what National General is willing to cover and how much longer we will be enjoying the company of our California kids.

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