Friday, May 13, 2022

Mark's Day Out

Our spot at Diamond Caverns RV Park

After leaving Alabama, we headed north to Park City, Kentucky, to the Diamond Caverns RV Resort, just inside the border of Mammoth Caverns National Park. The Diamond Caverns RV Resort is a Thousand Trails park situated right across the road from the actual Diamond Cavern, which we visited earlier this week. I'll post about it next time.

For reasons which escape me, it took us a full week after landing in Park City to get out and do anything. And we decided to start our excursions with two places that interested Mark very much and me very little. Not one to waste money on things I don't really enjoy, we decided that Mark would have a more enjoyable time without me than with me, so he took a "boy trip" to Bowling Green to look at cars and trains.

His first stop was the National Corvette Museum, where he got to see Corvettes, old and new, and discover some of this iconic vehicle's history.

From there he stopped over to the Historic Rail Park & Train Museum, where he got to see, touch, hear and explore important railroad artifacts of this region’s heritage.

An enjoyable day was had by all. 

The rest of Mark's photo's are posted below. I'll make this short, but more adventures will follow in a few days

May God keep you in his care.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of the smashed corvettes is the result of a sinkhole that formed under them. some were repaired but many were not salvageable.
