Thursday, October 20, 2022

Happy Times In Southern Idaho

Enjoying wine tasting at Ste. Chappelle Winery
Our time in the Boise area was too short. We stayed at the same park as last year, Caldwell RV Park, but this year our budget only allowed a two week stop. Campgrounds in this neck of the woods are very expensive. Caldwell RV Park charges $270 a week with absolutely no amenities. A place to park is all you get for your money. It's a nice campground and the spaces are not too cramped, but still...that's all there is. The only thing that makes it worth the money is that it's twelve minutes away from Katie. At the beginning of the year, she moved to Nampa. They're closer to Sophie's school (and to our campground), but both she and Brent have to commute the half hour or so to Boise for work.

With her working full time, we didn't get in too much in the way of activities. Most of our time was spent just sitting home and visiting. Sophie loves putting together jigsaw puzzles, and she, Katie, and I, spent a bit of time putting together puzzles while we hung out together. Sophie is the only six-year-old I know who can put together a 500-piece puzzle. She was finding pieces faster than me, and I've been putting together puzzles for fifty years! "Here's a piece, Grandma. It goes there..." (you look like you need help).

We did get out to do some apple picking-- a great fall activity. Katie located an orchard specializing in natural growing methods (no chemical pesticides, etc.) and where you can pick your own. We harvested nearly two bushels between us. Now, I ask you, what am I going to do with a bushel of apples?! I don't really eat plant food anymore. My plan was to give most of our apples to Katie for her family. But, the apples weren't nearly as tasty as we expected them to be. (There was talk of an apple pie, but it never materialized.) I ended up cooking all mine and turning them into applesauce. Now they're taking up freezer space for the foreseeable future. If it was good applesauce, I would give it to someone. But, sadly, it's not. Still, it was good family fun picking them.

This looks like a good one!
(Sophie and Katie)

We managed to fill both those baskets

One afternoon while we were there, Mark and I indulged in another visit to the Ste. Chappelle Winery for a wine tasting. They have a lovely view of the valley and countryside. And Mark found one wine that was sweet enough to buy a bottle.

Brent and Katie have a smoker that they use regularly to smoke their meat. We were treated to some excellent ribs on one of our visits. It turned out as well as any good restaurant could produce. 

All in all, our stay was very enjoyable. Next year our plans will include a longer visit... a much longer visit (for me, at least). That plan will be firmed up next spring.

That's about it for now. Stay tuned for our RV repair saga coming up next.

Wishing you all good health and safe travels wherever you go!


Sophie is a whiz at jigsaw puzzles.

All done. A hundred pieces in about a half hour, with very
little help from Dad.

Of Course I picked up some valuable
art work while I was there.

View from Ste. Chappelle's balcony

More of the same

We came up on this wide load on our way to Caldwell.

On a curve it takes up all three lanes. We had to follow
patiently behind until the road straightened out.

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